Easy Method: Based on the dimensions, you can determine the number of custom-length sections of paper you'll need to cover any surface. If the height of your surface varies, input the tallest dimension in order for the pattern to line up correctly.
Enter one wall or surface at a time
Measure entire area of the wall
Include doors and windows
Round measurements up to the nearest foot
Pattern will repeat seamlessly across panels
height of the tallest wall _________
width of wall #1 _________________
width of wall #2_________________
width of wall #3_________________
width of wall #4_________________
You add the widths of the walls together and multiply that
number by the height of the tallest wall. In other words, its
the circumferance of the room x the ceiling height. We're going
to call that number the total square footage of the room.
Each roll is 2" wide and a standard rool has 24" sq feet. But lets say you custom order rolls that are 9 feet in length. If you want to know how many rolls to get, figure out the square footage in each roll of wallpaper which we will call the single wallpaper roll sq. footage (2 x 9=18 sq ft) and divide the total square footage of the room by the single wallpaper roll sq footage. That number is how many rolls to purchase.
If you need help, just send me this information along with your choice of paper and pattern and I'll use a coverage calculator to figure it out.
How to Install Your Water-Activated Wallpaper
Texstylish wallpaper is designed to repeat beautifully when installed as described. Please read through all the instructions before you start.
Get a friend...hanging wallpaper is a two-person job!
Set aside some time
You’ll get the best result by hanging all of the wallpaper intended for a single wall or installation area at the same time. This is because panels may shrink slightly as they dry, making matching seams difficult if one strip has dried before the next strip is applied.
Collect your materials
You’ll need painter’s tape, a sponge, a wallpaper tub or trough full of water, and a sharp utility knife. It’s a good idea to lay a drop cloth on the floor to catch dripping water.
Examine your paper
First, make sure your wallpaper is undamaged and free of creases and blemishes. Line up each strip so that it faces the same way. The top of the strip has no white space, and the bottom has a narrow strip of white that says “BOTTOM” and includes your order number. Do not trim any part of the paper before hanging.
Prepare your wall
The wall or surface to which you are applying wallpaper should be clean and free of dust. Patch any damaged areas of the wall, especially where sharp edges might pierce or tear the wallpaper. For best results, apply wallpaper to a surface that is a solid, light color.
Wet and book the paper
Saturate the paper with water by dipping it into the trough or rolling it with a wet roller. Once it’s wet, gently fold the pasted side in on itself by folding the top and bottom of each piece to meet in the middle, taking care not to crease the paper (FIGURE A). Set the paper aside for 3-5 minutes to rest and activate the adhesive.
Choose a starting point
If you’re applying multiple strips of wallpaper, hang it from LEFT to RIGHT to ensure a smooth repeat of the design across the wall. Start with the upper left corner of the room, wall, or other surface you’re wallpapering.
Apply the first strip
Pick up the first strip and unfold just the top half of the ‘book’, leaving the edge labeled “BOTTOM” still booked. This will make the wallpaper easier to handle as you apply it to the wall (FIGURE B).
Align the top of the wallpaper with the ceiling, making sure the edge is straight and even on the wall. Ask your friend to step back and check that the strip is straight and level. If the wallpaper is slippery, you can use a strip of painter’s tape to secure it. Once the paper is in position, unfold the bottom half of the strip and smooth downward with a damp sponge. Take care to remove large air bubbles; smaller bubbles will dissipate as the wallpaper dries.
Keep going!
Pick up your second strip of wallpaper and apply it so that its left side overlaps the right side of the previous strip by ¾ inch, carefully visually matching the repeat. Do not trim the overlap; it guarantees that the wallpaper will repeat seamlessly. (FIGURE C) Repeat this step, moving from left to right and aligning each new strip over the strip to its left.
Let your wallpaper dry completely--this usually takes about 3 hours--before using a sharp utility knife to trim the extra paper at the bottom of the wall and any excess paper on the right edge of your installation area. Wipe the walls with a damp sponge to remove excess adhesive. Now, stand back and admire your work!
How to Install Your Peel and Stick Wallpaper
Texstylish wallpaper is designed to repeat beautifully when installed as described. Please read through all of the instructions before you start.
Get a friend...hanging wallpaper is a two-person job!
Collect your materials
You’ll need a sharp utility knife and the squeegee included with your order.
Examine your paper
Make sure your wallpaper is undamaged and free of blemishes. If necessary, re-roll your wallpaper so that the top is on the outside of the roll. The top of each strip has no white space, whereas the bottom has a narrow strip of white and is printed with your order number. Do not trim any part of the paper before hanging.
Prepare your wall
The wall or surface to which you are applying wallpaper should be clean and free of dust. Patch any damaged areas of the wall, especially where sharp edges might pierce or tear the wallpaper. For best results, apply wallpaper to a surface that is a solid, light color.
Choose a starting point
If you’re applying multiple strips of wallpaper, hang it from LEFT to RIGHT to ensure a smooth repeat of the design across the wall. Start with the upper left corner of the room, wall, or other surface you’re wallpapering.
Apply the first strip
Pick up the first strip and peel away a few inches of the paper backing from the top of the roll. Align the top of the wallpaper with the ceiling, making sure it’s straight and even on the wall. Ask your friend to step back and check that the strip is straight and level, then press the exposed adhesive area against the wall. Peel and Stick Wallpaper is repositionable, so if you need to adjust the placement simply peel the paper off the wall slowly and reapply as necessary.
Once the strip is in position, gently peel the paper backing down 5-10 inches and smooth the wallpaper onto the wall, moving from the center outwards. If necessary, use the squeegee to move large air bubbles to the edge of the design. Once you’ve applied the entire strip, you can go ahead and trim excess paper from the bottom of the wall.
Keep going!
Pick up your second strip of wallpaper and apply it so that its left side overlaps the right side of the previous strip by ¾ inch, carefully visually matching the repeat. Do not trim the overlap; it guarantees that the wallpaper will repeat seamlessly. (FIGURE A) Repeat this step, moving from left to right and aligning each new strip over the strip to its left.
Once you’ve applied all strips, use a sharp utility knife to trim the lowermost edge to the bottom of the wall and any excess paper on the right edge of your installation area. Now, stand back and admire your work!